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The United Nations' Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) are the foundations for Gústa´s strategy and values.  All seventeen Sustainable Developmental goals are important. Three SDGs are closest to the core of Gústa´s business strategy and values. It can be said that these three goals are descriptive of the company's values ​​and can be used in decision-making and the development of new products and services.  These are the SDG number 3, Good Health and Well being, SDG number 12, responsible consumption and production and number 17, partnership for the goals. 





3. Good health and Well being

Knitting is a creative, pleasant activity that connects people and gives people the opportunity to learn new skill. It also helps people to show affection and enables people to wear beautiful clothing that also provides shelter.
Enjoy opportunities to improve the health and well-being of people by using design and knitting.

17. Partnership for the goals

Gústa is a small family owned company that values cooperation. We want to work with other people who share our passion for better design and a better society. Affiliates can be diverse and come from all walks of life such as manufacturers, designers, other companies, farmers, libraries, knitters and more and more!


12. Responsible consumption and production

We care about future generations and nature, so we want to produce quality goods without harming the environment. The focus is to design long lasting products with classical patterns from natural fibers. The animals creating the fibers are Free roaming sheep in Iceland and Alpacas from the Peru. The production facility in Peru has a certificate . The

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Gústa ehf.

Aðalland 10

108 Reykjavík


kt. 480307-1430

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